Thursday, October 23, 2014

Is it Really Darkness Too Visible?

Caitlin Hondorp                                                                                                             October 23, 2014
Is it Really Darkness Too Visible?
                  Just imagine, the best young adult book you've ever read, but then someone tells you that the book is inappropriate so they have to ban or challenge it and you don't know what they're talking about. Don't you feel enraged? I know how you feel. In the article, "Darkness Too Visible" by Megan C. Gurdon from the Wall Street Journal is about how young adult books are too vivid for teens. Well, I'm here to tell you that I completely disagree.
                  Gurdon used some craft. Some of the craft were loaded words. One of them was dark. She used dark to describe her point and try to persuade people to join her side. Another one is just how she describes it. She describes it with so much detail. It's just awesome how she wants other people to understand the stress it is to just find a normal book for your child. Final reason is she's making it sound so much more dramatic then it is. She's saying it's so dark but for some it's completely normal.
                  This article was very democratic. What I mean by that is that this started a huge argument everywhere. I'm going to have to disagree because people should read stuff that they are ready for. Also teens should be able to vote which books should be appropriate for us because the parents shouldn't be speaking for us, we should speak for us. So I hop you guys agree with my opinion and if you don't that's fine too.


  1. "Also teens should be able to vote which books should be appropriate for us because the parents shouldn't be speaking for us, we should speak for us.'' That's a really good quote and I definitely agree with you. We should have more authority on what books we read. >:D

  2. This is definitely a huge argument. With great points I am going to have to agree with you.
