Thursday, October 23, 2014

Is it Really Darkness Too Visible?

Caitlin Hondorp                                                                                                             October 23, 2014
Is it Really Darkness Too Visible?
                  Just imagine, the best young adult book you've ever read, but then someone tells you that the book is inappropriate so they have to ban or challenge it and you don't know what they're talking about. Don't you feel enraged? I know how you feel. In the article, "Darkness Too Visible" by Megan C. Gurdon from the Wall Street Journal is about how young adult books are too vivid for teens. Well, I'm here to tell you that I completely disagree.
                  Gurdon used some craft. Some of the craft were loaded words. One of them was dark. She used dark to describe her point and try to persuade people to join her side. Another one is just how she describes it. She describes it with so much detail. It's just awesome how she wants other people to understand the stress it is to just find a normal book for your child. Final reason is she's making it sound so much more dramatic then it is. She's saying it's so dark but for some it's completely normal.
                  This article was very democratic. What I mean by that is that this started a huge argument everywhere. I'm going to have to disagree because people should read stuff that they are ready for. Also teens should be able to vote which books should be appropriate for us because the parents shouldn't be speaking for us, we should speak for us. So I hop you guys agree with my opinion and if you don't that's fine too.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Reading Response That is Out of This World!

Caitlin Hondorp                                                                                                             October 19, 2014
Reading Response
              "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you"- I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. In the book, Who-ology by Cavan Scott and Mark Wright it tells you about the insane story of a madman with a box. This madman is the Doctor and his box is actually a time machine called the Tardis. They travel and save galaxies and civilizations at every part of time and space. In this story, there are symbols that represent how the Doctor is insulated and running away from his true self.
                One of the symbols that show how alone and secluded the Doctor feels from everything is the Tardis. The Tardis symbolizes how insulated he is in his box even though its bigger on the inside. When the Doctor has no companion, he only has the Tardis to comfort him. In the book, it's stated, "Reasons for Leaving the Doctor." This makes him feel this way because some of his companions left for a chance to go home just to leave, so the Doctor felt alone.
             Another symbol is his family tree. He has probably been running from this his whole life because some family members died, been missing or just plain forgotten. It's stated in the story, "The Doctor's personal relationships are a mysterious and muddled affair, spread out across time and space." Besides he's regenerating for years so he might have forgot his relatives. He's probably forgot most of his family since he's over 900 years old.
            The final symbol is his stories that tells about his past. The Doctor has been through so much, you can't even believe it. It says, "There was a war. A time war. The Last Great Time War. My people fought a race called the Daleks for the sake of all creation. And they lost. They lost. Everyone lost. They're all gone now. My family, my friends even the sky." The Doctor has been running away from this his whole 900 year old life. He never wants to speak of it.
           In conclusion, I can relate to the Doctor because I can feel insulated and afraid at times. You just want to go solo because somethings are just too big to handle. You feel there's nothing you can do to to fix it even though you try to fix it and makes it worse. But one day you will need a companion to get you through it. "I know my head isn't screwed on straight. I want to leave, transfer, warp into another galaxy."- Speak